by admin | Oct 28, 2018 | EAT MORE VEG, Elixir Drink, Health Food, Lifestyle Tips, Nutrition, Recipes, Tea
Last week, a friend and colleague of mine told me about this very simple thing to do for a cough. I can’t believe I had never heard of it or tasted it before. I apologize as I know this is all over the internet and I’m not giving it credit there. Here,...
by admin | Aug 15, 2018 | EAT MORE VEG, Exercise, Health Food, Lifestyle Tips, Nutrition, Sweat
This can get confusing. What should I eat before and after I workout? This post is not going to be long. If you are a pro-athlete, you most likely have a dietician or nutritionist working around the clock for you – because let’s face it, it gets down to...
by admin | Feb 25, 2018 | EAT MORE VEG, Featured, Health Food, Lifestyle Tips, Lose Weight, Motivation, Nutrition
When I’m consistent with the following eating pattern/sequence, I feel awesome, I maintain my “healthy” weight and I am all around proud of myself. My clients get this breakdown from me and they find it very effective in achieving their nutrition goals. ⦁...
by admin | Sep 27, 2017 | EAT MORE VEG, Gluten Free, Health Food, Lifestyle Tips, Lose Weight, Nutrition, Recipes
To celebrate my mom’s birthday, I had a bowl of peas. She would have been 66 yesterday. Whenever she was trying to lose weight, she would either fast on cabbage soup or eat peas for dinner for three days. It was such a simple thing, but it’s something I do to this...
by admin | May 10, 2017 | BREATHE, EAT MORE VEG, Health Food, Lifestyle Tips, Meditation, Nutrition
We all have them. I have them a lot. When I’m on a good run of eating healthy, I feel good, I feel light, I feel like I can conquer the world. Then a craving hits. Sometimes the cravings are telling me to eat an orange, which could mean my body needs vitamin...
by admin | May 1, 2017 | EAT MORE VEG, Gluten Free, Health Food, Nutrition, Recipes
These muffins are very tasty and they also happen to be gluten free. If that’s what you’re into, these are for you. Mostly I aim to be wheat free, but when something gluten-free comes by or from my kitchen, I do a small happy dance. It means it’s...