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Karmic Core Pattern Reading

Karmic Core Pattern Reading

Are you emotionally, physically, mentally and/or spiritually stuck? Do you feel like your life keeps going around in circles?  Do you keep falling into the same cycles with relationships, career, procrastination, lack of caring, a feeling of “what’s the point?” and...
Waterfall Of Light Meditation

Waterfall Of Light Meditation

This is a simple 5 minute meditation that brings the white light of healing energy into your body and creates an energy shift that brings you to a more calm, peaceful and relaxed state. Sit on the floor or on a chair.  If you are on a chair, please ensure your feet...
Grounding & Galactic Connection

Grounding & Galactic Connection

Before meditations, I find it necessary to ground myself and connect to the universal energy.  It’s to provide a sense of being “plugged in” to the flow.  It sends a message to your body, mind and spirit that you are ready to receive the energy from...

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