I was just noticing that I haven’t been good at being disciplined in regards to my eating. It’s always tough around this time of year. Halloween, Thanksgiving, kids birthdays, spouse’s birthday, the holidays… it never ends. It takes a lot of will power for me not to eat something in front of me. I like to indulge in life’s amazing parties, celebrations, family get togethers, other people’s baking, a candy someone has offered…. did I already mention that it never ends?
Basically, this post is about taking ownership over the holiday season and tackling the temptations through fitness. If you choose to indulge in the delicious food around this time of year, committing to a fitness goal gives you control in the out of control treat season. It shifts your mind to taking responsibility of your health and not just blaming it on the holidays.
I am proposing to Train Against The Holidays. If anyone wants to join me so I am kept accountable, I would be forever grateful. I will commit to a fitness goal to step up my SWEATing as a way to counterbalance the treats and snacks I know I will be “trying out.” I find it empowering to start the fitness goal BEFORE the infamous New Year’s Resolution trend instead of waiting until after more eating damage has been done.
What I plan to do:
Train toward 60 minutes of jogging.
After my first two babies, I signed up for a 10k run in addition to a weight training routine. This pushed me to do more cardio and was significant in getting me to my ideal weight. I say the word “weight” lightly. I rarely weigh myself as I find it can become obsessive. My “ideal weight” is usually more related to how I feel and how my pants fit. I haven’t yet done a 10k since my 3rd baby and I’m noticing a difference in how much time it’s taking to get back to my favorite pants. This is the reason I choose to set my fitness goal to jogging. Not only because of the pants, but because of how I feel energetically, how my mind feels happy and balanced and how my heart feels stronger.
I am not a huge fan of doing cardio for long periods of time, but I feel it provides an excellent push to get me feeling hawwwt and sexy. Long cardio is not the be all-end all, but it helps shed and sharpen the bod. I haven’t been able to find a 5k or 10k in Toronto in December (before I travel on the 25th) so I am creating my own “10k” that will happen on December 24th. Please note, resistance training is important for building muscles and strengthening and is necessary for overall fitness health. Keeping a fitness routine that raises your heart rate while training your muscles is ideal.
Other ideas for Training Against The Holidays:
A Martial Art Class (doing a series of them, not just one)
A Boot Camp (6-8 weeks)
A Dance Class (doing a series of them, not just one)
Kickboxing (9Round is awesome!)
Boutique Fitness Studios (Orangetheory is also awesome!)
Sign up for a 5k (it might not be possible in the month of December, but work yourself up to jogging or walking 5k and pick a date to perform it either on a treadmill or outside. Do it with a friend to make it easier.)
Try these at home workouts and commit to doing them three times a week
Work with a personal trainer two to three times a week
Sign up for indoor soccer or pick up hockey
Walk for 20 minutes three times a week
This “Get Off The Couch” workout three times a week
The Big Day:
The Big 60 Minute Jog will happen on the morning of December 24th, 2017 in Taylor Creek Park near my home. My training will include some outside jogs, some treadmill sprinting (One minute speed walking followed by 1 minute of fast sprinting for 20-30 minutes to train my heart to work at faster speeds. This will teach my heart to work less hard at pumping the blood around. The increased heart capacity will come in handy on the day of the long jog.)
Does anyone want to Train Against The Holidays with me? If you choose something other than jogging, create an end date for your goal. Come up with a date close to the holidays where you commit to the BIG DAY and promise yourself to be able to complete a specific aspect of fitness. Whether it’s to SWEAT for an hour, be able to do 10 push-ups from your feet, learn a dance routine, rock climb, or pole dance, write it down and start working toward the goal.
I would love to hear about your Train Against The Holidays endeavors. Please use the following hashtag in facebook or Instagram to let me know! #trainagainsttheholidays
Good luck!
EAT MORE VEG, SWEAT daily and don’t forget to BREATHE.
Michelle GB
DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor. Please consult with your doctor before starting any fitness/workouts. These opinions are my own and should not be taken as advice. The purpose of this blog is to inspire, motivate and encourage healthy living.