In order to give back during this wild season we find ourselves in, I would love to offer 3 x 20 minute long distance Reiki sessions to the following people:
- 1. Front line workers who are really struggling right now.
- 2. Those suffering who have been diagnosed with the Coronavirus.
I am offering two spots a week for the next few weeks. Between April 14th and May 1st, 2020.
The recipient will need to provide:
- Their name
- Their email address
- City/town where they live.
- A short description of their struggles related to Covid-19.
Once each session is complete, I will send them an email with any notes/comments I receive from the session.
They could happen three days in a row, or every 2nd day, depending on my schedule.
The Recipient does not need to be doing anything specific while I am doing Reiki. They can be working or sleeping or doing nothing.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a hands on healing technique where the healer connects the person receiving the healing with Life Force Energy. Reiki comes from two Japanese words. Rei means God’s wisdom or Higher Power and Ki means Life Force Energy.
When Reiki is performed on someone, the energy enters the body and goes to where the person needs it the most.
The practitioner enters a meditative state and connects the energy from the Highest Power to the person receiving the energy.
Long distance Reiki is just as powerful as it is in person.
I will often send some easy exercises by email for the recipient to do in addition to receiving the healing. They will help bring further spiritual/energetic healing to the recipient.
Please email me at if you or someone you know meets the criteria above. Spaces are very limited so please have the person explain their situation in the email.
Michelle GB
* I am not a doctor. Please seek medical advice when making changes to your diet, fitness regime or overall health. The information provided on this blog/website are my own thoughts and opinions and should not be interpreted as medical advice.