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Calm The Heart Kundalini Meditation

Calm The Heart Kundalini Meditation

Since we are all dealing with the “you know what” situation, I thought it would be good to post a great simple meditation that calms the heart. Practicing any type of mindfulness is good for the soul, but having a daily routine can really shift your...
Shake IT Up, Shift It & SHINE!

Shake IT Up, Shift It & SHINE!

8 WEEKS will move you from feeling “blah” & “stuck in life” into OWNING YOUR SELF WORTH & FINDING YOUR INNER SHINE. Join me on a SWEET journey to your SHINE!  We will work one-on-one to dig deep into your energy in order to shake it up...
Intensive Reiki Treatments

Intensive Reiki Treatments

Are you suffering from an illness and don’t know where to turn?  Have you been dealing with pain and rough symptoms and feel confused as to why this is happening? Have me to tune into your energy field (aura) and bring the flow of universal energy to your...

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