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So, I was home sick today, and by the time I was feeling better, it was dinner time. I must say, I’ve been feeling extremely exhausted lately so have been paying extra attention to what I’ve been eating to see if I can pin point the nutritional culprit.  I’ve been turned off meat lately and haven’t been eating that much so after some reflection, I realized I wasn’t getting enough protein, even of the vegetable kind.

So today, the thawed out 1lb of grass-fed ground beef from the Culinarium was calling my name.  A great source of iron to jolt some life back into me would do the trick.  And since the beef comes from a local farm, it makes me feel WAY better about eating it.

So, the recipe… was so quick and it was a goody!  



That’s right, he almost gave me a 10, but pulled back the last .25 to ensure my ego doesn’t get too big. Whatevs.  For more info on why Jesse rates the food I make, click here.

So I took two spelt pizza crusts out of the freezer… and here is what happened…


Jesse enjoyed it as you can see below and that makes me sooooooooooooooooooo happy!

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