I start by apologizing to Chef Michael Smith for not knowing the exact name of this dish. I saw him briefly do it on the “Chef at Home” show and couldn’t believe how easy the concept was. And as you know, I love all the tricks that involve eating more vegetables in easy and fun ways. This recipe is both of those things.
I made it last night with two girlfriends (also nutritionists) Christine Nicholls of Purely U Nutritional Consulting and Sarah Maughan – Empower your body with Food and we made it together and gobbled it up together… within minutes.
Yes, there is butter in this recipe. But I bet the taste of the cauliflower will get you to eat half of the head, and as far as I’m concerned, a little butter (from a good dairy source) never hurt anyone (as long as you don’t have dairy issue), but lack of vegetables did. So don’t beat yourself up over a little butter and fill your gut with this vegetable flower. Want to know more about cauliflower? Well, here you go:
– is really a little head of thousands of compact flowers.
– low in calories
– is rich in potassium, folic acid and vitamin C.
– is about 25% protein and is one of the cancer-preventive cruciferous vegetables
– has the following phytonutrients (plant nutrients): glucobrassicin, glucosinolates, isothiocyanates, alpha-carotene, beta-sitosterol, caffeic acid, ferulic acid, glucoraphanin, indole-3-carbinol and quercetin.
Ok, from my point of view, the last point sounds very scientific and boring, but basically, phytonutrients, or plant nutrients are the other things in plant-based food that provide health benefits. They are the components that do not include vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbs and fats. They involve the way vegetables look and smell. The parts of food you get from eating whole foods that you would lose from eating boxed and processed food. Click
Click here for more information and facts about phytonutrients. Thank you to Elson M. Haas for the cauliflower info and to Michael Smith for inspiring me with an easy recipe that doesn’t involve chopping veg!