Karmic Core Pattern Reading

Are you emotionally, physically, mentally and/or spiritually stuck? Do you feel like your life keeps going around in circles?  Do you keep falling into the same cycles with relationships, career, procrastination, lack of caring, a feeling of “what’s the point?” and insert anything else you’ve noticed about your life that you can’t even put your finger on?

The Core Pattern Reading is a chance to find out how the deep seeded patterns you know you have, but cannot shake became placed into your energy and cellular memory.  Sounds wild right? Well, to me it did too, but when I received my own Core Pattern Reading in June 2017, my life started making sense and I actually began following through on what I wanted. 

When you get a Karmic Core Pattern Reading done, it is important to commit to the work that follows the reading.  Once you can name your pattern (which comes from your spirit guides), you become more aware of it and how you can work through overcoming it.  The awareness this reading provides is priceless because you see how much the pattern is intertwined in your life and how to make shifts in overcoming them!


The Karmic Core Pattern Reading includes two sessions.  The Initial Reading & the Integration Session and take place about a month apart.  The Integration session provides space to ask questions and to dive deeper into the process and your journey.  Reach out for a free chat to find out how the Karmic Core Pattern Reading can launch you into a new realm of being!

Energy Exchange: $350.00 (Includes both Initial & Integration Sessions).

Current Energy Exchange: $297 (until December 31st, 2021)

Copyright © 2021 Michelle GB Pty. Ltd.

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