Intuitive Divine Coaching

This Intuitive Divine Coaching will move you from feeling blah & “stuck in life” into


Join me on a DIVINE journey to your Inner Goddess!  We will work one-on-one to dig deep into your celestial vibrations so we can clear the blocks holding you back.

To make these authentic changes in your life, you get to the root of the challenges, learn how to energetically shift into the direction you desire and then move into NEW HEIGHTS!

 If you want to: 

Shake up the old ways of thinking and the patterns you find yourself stuck in

Break free from the stories that hold you back from your awesome potential

Shift the subconscious mind with healings and spiritual work that will bring on some incredible AHA! Moments

Become more in tune with your inner wisdom

Connect on a deeper level to your TRUTH & what YOU are here to do in THIS LIFETIME

 Then this Divine Experience is for you!


Choose the length of commitment that makes sense to you! 

There are ONE, TWO or THREE month options. 

Here is a taste of what this coaching LOOKS LIKE for the TWO month OPTION: 

Intuitive Divine Coaching With Michelle GB

Week 1: Karmic Core Pattern Reading –   Learn your CORE STORY, which will launch you into deep healing. This is the basis of your spiritual journey. (In person or by zoom)

Week 2: Energy healing session with additional spiritual guidance by Michelle GB. (from a distance)

Week 3: Divine Coaching Session (In person or by zoom)

Week 4: Energy healing session with additional spiritual guidance by Michelle GB. (from a distance)

Week 5: Integration Session (from the Core Pattern Reading) – To further release the boundaries keeping you from moving forward in your life.   (In person or by zoom)

Week 6: Energy healing session with additional spiritual guidance by Michelle GB. (from a distance)

Week 7: Divine Coaching Session (In person or by zoom)

Week 8: Oracle Reading to check in with your guides and fully activate the GODDESS within. 


Intuitive Divine Coaching Also Includes:

Support through voicemail and messenger throughout the entire commitment. Up to 25 messages a week.

Additional coaching occurs between all the sessions as things come up and move energetically.  I will be guided intuitively throughout the process to offer the most effective experience possible!

Michelle GB is connected to your energy and aura throughout the Divine Coaching process.  This work involves a high level of commitment by both parties and it has to feel RIGHT.  Book your FREE 1 Hour Divine Coaching Call with Michelle at michelle@michellegb.com to see if we are a good fit for each other! 


Energy Exchange: $777


Energy Exchange: $1277


Energy Exchange: $2277

Please book a free Intuitive Divine Coaching session to see if we are a good fit for each other! 


Faye Rauw

“I don’t want this to end!”  You have altered my life in the most positive and necessary of ways that I didn’t even know were possible.  I am a lifelong customer!

I found this course very valuable because I’m walking away with a changed view and tools that I can use as a foundation and body of work for myself.  I can go back and listen to those readings, I could do a follow up session too.  I believe in the work you do.  Seeing a shift in myself, in my own…mental strength has been of great value.  

I recall feeling a bit nervous that I would be able to commit to the program.  Part nervous of what would come up or happen (especially not knowing much, but so pleasantly surprised that ONLY good comes from doing self-work).  Mentally I was exhausted and not clear on believing my visions or dreams.  Physically felt tense. But there was something continuing to draw me into doing the program.

I learned new breathing techniques that I found really helpful to keep me calm or centered.  I started incorporating different moments to combine the breathing with exercise or settling into a more calm being if something rattled me.

I learned about my past patterns that I have a tendency to make.  The recurring behaviours.

I learned that I have a lot of control and power to make change happen.  I learned that doing this kind of work really resonates for me.

Physically I’m more inclined to take better care of my physical self, which in turn, as a dancer, helps take care of my mental wellbeing.  I found the breathing techniques and the oracle readings really helped.  I loved listening to them on an as needed basis when I needed to re-center myself again.  Spiritually, I feel like I’m dreaming again, I’m visualizing more clearly again.  Even just filling out this document is a good “check-in” for me to really see the progress.  

The power of sitting and breathing and recognizing things that happen for a certain reason.  My legal matters through this time have changed and progressed so much more drastically because I’ve found a strength in myself to make the action happen.  I’m owning my destiny a bit more and really feeling the desire to get the work done instead of letting life pass me by.  

I felt shifts in my own confidence to make change happen.  Shifts in finding strength in using my words and speaking up.  Being honest and authentic with my wants and desires.  

You were patient and never pushed me on a strict time-line which was appreciated.  Life would happen for both of us and it was great to have an open understanding to allow things to happen and put to work some of the tools learned along the way to get through those blips of life.  This is better than therapy!

Jen Ogston

Intensive Reiki Treatments, Core Pattern Reading & Lightweaving Attunement

I had been trying to sell my condo for three months and in August of 2020 I asked Michelle to help. For context, there are always a lot of condos for sale in the same area so it is quite competitive.  

Michelle did her first long distance Reiki & Energy Shifting session on a Tuesday morning. She offered me some guidance and insight on what came up during the session. She asked me to journal on the messages and to dig deeper into the situation to acknowledge where I was stuck energetically and emotionally.  I was able to come up with some further insight, which I passed onto Michelle GB. 

Wednesday, Michelle did another session from a distance.  That night, I dreamt I had an offer for a specific amount. The next day, I received my first and only offer on the condo for the amount I had dreamt about! Another sign from the universe that came through was that the purchaser’s middle name was Michelle. So cool. I accepted it and it was a done deal!   Honestly, it felt so amazing to have it so quickly resolved once I decided to reach out.  Thank you! 

Michelle has also done a Core Pattern Reading for me, which was so neat and taught me a lot about my deep seeded patterns. I received a Light Weaving attunement too and now I incorporate this technique into my meditation practice every day.  I am so grateful Michelle!

Copyright © 2021 Michelle GB Pty. Ltd.

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